
  • Running jenkins with docker compose, using Multibranch-pipeline found issue during repository checkout
  • JENKINS_HOME was mounted on docker volume
root@15136bec94a9:/var/jenkins_home/workspace/some-service# git pull
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/some-service'
To add an exception for this directory, call:

	git config --global --add /var/jenkins_home/workspace/some-service


Found Two solution

1. mount /root/.gitconfig in docker-compose

According to this comment in github

git config --global --add "*" You can run this command within any git repository on the Jenkins master.

Alternatively, you can achieve the same effect by creating a ~/.gitconfig file with the following content:

	directory = *

This works, but mounting .gitconfig into jenkins master, this affects all workflows in jenkins that checking out repository. And ignoring git’s safety feature also not seem to be great solution

2. chown -R <current_user> <repo_folder>

Inside jenkins docker container, run following commands

chown -R $(whoami) /var/jenkins_home

This was right answer. after I migrated jenkins server there was somewhat ambiguity of directory ownership of jenkins_home backup directory. This was root cause of problem for my case. After jenkins user has ownership of that repository entirely issue never happened again.

One caveat is that JENKINS_HOME directory mounted by host path is not accessible from outside of container. But that is desired situation for various security issues